Nico, Struggling Writer
5 Minute Friday
5 Minute Friday - Capricorn Full Moon & Anaretic Degrees in a Brave New World

5 Minute Friday - Capricorn Full Moon & Anaretic Degrees in a Brave New World

Crisis-of-Fate Degree & Transformation

Hi! It’s Nico, Struggling Writer. Welcome to another 5 minute Friday, where we explore writing ideas that help me or get me thinking, or updates from my life. Today I want to talk about the double full moon, anaretic degrees, Brave New World, and the reality of contemporary misinformation (I hear your little voices, “Hey! That’s not fun. We’re here for speculative fiction.” I get it, but it’s at least loosely related).

This weekend, we’re experiencing something pretty rare — a second full moon in Capricorn. For those newer to astrology, normally the moon rotates through signs every couple of days or so, with the math coming out to a fairly equal dispersion through different signs by the time the moon is full again, with no repeats month-to-month. This double dose of Capricorn energy is something at least I’m paying attention to.

I’m going to say something to make two different groups of people roll their eyes very hard (it’s totally cool):

  1. Pluto (sigh, yes, an outer planet, you purists) is retrograde in the early degrees of Aquarius, meaning it’s about to look (from an earthling’s POV) like the planet is dipping back into the sign prior to its current location: which in this case is — you guessed it! — Capricorn.

  2. I’ve been seeing a lot of triple 5’s on the clock (I’m cringing, I can literally hear some of you shout “Omg, ANGEL NUMBERS? Aren’t you an atheist?” Yes, and not everyone calls them that) and everywhere lately.*

First, the serious scholarship: Astrology. Capricorn is all about structure, responsibility, tradition, and the long game. There’s a lot of folks a-twitter with differing opinions on what this means. Some focus on the alleged manifesting powers of full moons and are saying this will supercharge especially Capricorn Sun placements’ abilities to plan and make happen. Still others are saying to be honest about what you would want to change and start to switch it up. (Even if the Sun wasn’t in Capricorn when you were born, you should still look at what house Capricorn rules and see what “realm” of your life this energy of fruition might impact.)

It does feel like the right capricornian word to describe this time is “closure”, and it also makes me want to look at other Capricorn events to come, namely Pluto dipping back into the anaretic degree of Capricorn from September to mid-November. Pluto embodies, to those who recognize it, “intense and transformative” energy, yada yada. But the anaretic — or the 29th — degree of any sign, is often referred to as the “crisis degree.” It’s a point of culmination, where lessons must be learned, and transformation is inevitable (for any planet, so again we get this double dose of symbolic energy, just as with the upcoming full moon).

Anaretic, adj. from Greek ἀναιρετικός, “an appellant; one who seeks an appeal or reversal.”

So, what? Well, we’re looking at a time of reckoning with our personal and collective structures. (I won’t honor the other events of this Fall/early November with acknowledgement). So to me, and I can’t honestly explain entirely why, this double full moon feels like the final chance to hit the proverbial Save button on whatever it is we’re working on or have achieved before some massive overhaul — an overhaul with no guarantees. It’s a moment to reflect on what’s been built, what’s been torn down, and what needs to rise from the ashes. Is it a cosmic call to step up, face our fears, or embrace the changes we need to make?

Well here’s some additional flavor: Pluto is a far-out, slow-moving planet. Pluto entered Capricorn back in 2008. For those who lived through it, the duration of this cycle about to come to an end might frame in some consequence the end of this year can bring.

I promise I’m not foretelling doom, but I do want to say the long-term cycle we’re moving into (Aquarius) has more of a Brave New World vibe than a Fahrenheit 451 vibe. These classic dystopian novels predicted a lot about our current world — especially the ways in which propaganda and disinformation spread (or don’t).

In Brave New World, people are kept placated with endless entertainment, drugs, and shallow pleasures, while in Fahrenheit 451, books are banned and critical thinking is suppressed. I don’t personally think we should be as worried about information being banned as it being drowned out. In today’s digital age, we’re constantly bombarded with information, much of it designed to distract or tempt us into “more”.

If we want to follow this loose thread back to authorship and internet creators, we don’t have to tug very hard before we stumble upon folks lamenting the need for huge social media followings to get their stories noticed. On one hand, you have users, hungrily searching for something real and authentic, but being tricked into mindless consumption which may or may not provide them value in the end. When successful, we watch how social media platforms allow a percentage of its user base to reach a global audience. On the other hand, we see videos of breakdowns, of creators I can’t remember the names of, buckling under the pressure to constantly produce content and chase likes. They decry the algorithm, and feel their bodies reject its disingenuity. I have no solution for this. I’m merely observing from the outside, a little bird on the ethereal branch of my non-existent platform.

On the other hand, we see videos of breakdowns, of creators I can’t remember the names of, buckling under the pressure to constantly produce content and chase likes.

So, here are a few thoughts:

  1. Critical Consumption: How can we be more discerning about the information we consume? I don’t just mean books. Are we taking the time to fact-check and think critically, or are we just accepting things at face value?

  2. Authenticity: For creators, how can we stay true to our voice and message without getting lost in the noise of social media? Is it possible to build a meaningful connection with our audience without compromising our integrity?

  3. Transformation: With Pluto retrograde and the Capricorn full moon, what structures in our lives need to be reevaluated? What habits, beliefs, or systems are no longer serving us, and how can we transform them?

As we navigate these intense energies, let’s commit to being more aware, more authentic, and more open to transformation. It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. The universe is giving us a nudge — or maybe a shove — to evolve and grow.

Do you want to know what some people call the anaretic degree? “The degree of fate”.

Thank you for joining me today. I’m Nico, Struggling Writer, and this has been another 5 minute Friday. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends and subscribe for more writing thoughts. Until next time, stay curious and keep learning.

Until next time,


*In numerology, 5 is a number denoting change or transformation.

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Nico, Struggling Writer
5 Minute Friday
A weekly micro-podcast about books or writing; Aiming for 5 minutes or less.